Your photograph

Silence and distance…

Sitting by my desk, I think of you
The photo of you reminds me of joys of the past
Yet in my soul there is a lot of turmoil
I’m confused and ask – why?
There is no reply – just silence and distance
Am I sad for you, for myself or for us?
Did I experienced another mirage?
The answer lies within your silence and distance
The pain is real like the disappointments
I stare at your photograph.
I close my eyes and feel your touch, hear your whispers.
Opening my eyes – reality dawns upon me with full impact
I ask – why?
My hopes fade with every passing moment.
Wasted minutes, hours, days nothing makes sense anymore
Only the reality – we are apart.
The bubble ruptured, downward spiral of self-destruction began
We are no longer
Dreams, hopes, died in sorrow due to lack of commitment from you
I ask – why?
No answers – just silence and distance

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