CHP on bike


She was from California and ran away from home. Qualified on the age requirement, she was of legal age over 18 and lived with her adopted and very manipulative parents who had a strict religious frame of mind. According to her, it was like living in the Twilight Zone. She wanted out at any cost. She was fascinated by my Dark Prince site, and she wanted to be my slave. According to her M/s with me would be a paradise to what she had to endure at home.

After months of emails, I made it as clear as possible to her that she was not what I was looking for. She decided without any coercion from me to run away. She took a bus to a nearby smaller town, checked into a hotel, and called by looking up my name in the phone directory to meet up with her as she ran away from home.


I wanted nothing to do with her, she was very naive, did not like her looks, and had epilepsy. Yet, at the same time, I felt sorry for her. (A big mistake.) As she called me on Friday evening, I decided to drive up early on Saturday, to her hotel 800 miles oneway to drive her home before she did something even stupider. I had to hurry as I had to be at my office by 7 am on Monday. On the way, just leaving Los Angeles, on I-10 near I-5 the junction, I was stopped by CHP for speeding. I was over the speed limit “slightly”. The radar showed 115 mph in a  55 mph zone. My car had a speed limit governor set by the factory to 118 mph, I would have driven even faster if I could have. I had my trusty Valentine 1 radar detector but it didn’t indicate any radar reading, only just before he caught up with me and put his radar on. Ouch! I thought my goose was cooked!

The officer surprisingly was very cordial, he wanted to know why I was going twice over the speed limit. I am sure he heard it all. I told him “A very young friend of mine ran away from home, I was going to meet with her and take her home. Yes, I am guilty of speeding but I was worried about her safety and that is why I was driving fast!” This was not a lie. I did not want her to get into any further trouble. The officer mentioned that I required high-speed tires, as most factory tires are not suitable for such speeds. I thanked him for his courtesy. I mentioned that my tires were HR rated not T or SR, as found on these cars. They are good for sustained speeds up to 130 mph, which is way beyond the car’s capacity with the factory limiter. He smiled and went on to check my tires. Then he continued “I could have seized your car on the spot, and you would had to face a huge fine and some jail time but will let you off this time! Try to keep it under 70 mph, as there were several patrol cars notified about your speeding and they will be watching for your car.”

I could not believe my luck! I guess it pays to be courteous to the police. He followed me until the I-210 junction, which was quite a distance.


I got to her hotel in the early evening just slightly over 9 hours, including three fuel stops, and the CHP incident.  My average speed was 88.89 mph considering all the delays. If I had not taken the highway patrol stop into account it would have been 8.5 hours, with a higher average speed of just over 94 mph. This was faster than the average time of 12 hours to drive such a distance. I met her, and she waited for me nude and jumped on me, wanting me sexually. She was not a virgin as she was abused by her stepbrother since twelve. Being exhausted from the long drive, I decided to sleep although all she wanted is to bounce on my cock with her tight cunt all night. In the morning, she woke by sucking on my cock, and she eagerly swallowed my cum. I told her she had to go home. I offered to give her a lift back but she refused my offer. I was not in the mood to argue, being tired and facing a long drive back home.  I told her then you are on your own, and left. Anticipating that she would go home disappointed she would get over me!


I was wrong. She was very persistent. She kept writing emails and calling me on my cell phone, but I refused to answer them. Four months later, on a Friday after work, I got a call from a local area according to the call display. I answered as I was expecting a call from someone else. To my shock, it was her! She called me from the bus station depot, near the airport.  She arrived on Thursday and slept at the bus depot. With no money to stay in a hotel or go back home begged me to pick her up. I let her stay overnight, but told her “You will be going back first thing in the morning.” Later on, in the evening received a call from her adopted father threatening to call the police on me. After her first incident, he placed a key logger on the computer. This is how he knew where she was. I told him “She was way over the legal age of 18, in fact, nearly 20, so go ahead and call the police.” I’ve asked her to speak to him. She managed to call him down. The SOB kept on harassing me over the next couple of years. I’ve had to call the police on him until he stopped.

On Saturday morning, I drove her back to the church she was forced to attend, near her home, and spoke to the pastor. I’ve explained that she ran away, and I do not want her to be with me. Avoiding any potential confrontation with her family, the pastor took her home. The incident cost me over $200 in fuel alone not including food, which she promised to pay back with interest.

She persisted in following me on social media no matter how many times I blocked her. On a business trip to Indianapolis near her new home, after twelve years, we met once. I have no idea how she tracked down the hotel I stayed in. She contacted me, telling me that she had the money to pay me back. This turned out to be only a ploy to see me. It was a lie: she only paid back $40 out of the $200. That was the last time we met. She truly was a nightmare from California. I’ve learned not to have any personal Social Media accounts or posts.

That was the last time we met. She truly was a nightmare from California. I’ve learned not to have any personal Social Media accounts or posts.

Update: In 2024 she contacted me and offered to pay with interest she owned me. I accepted it in a money transfer. Once again she wanted to be my slave after 24 years and two underage teenagers. No, thank you! She is a typical unflushable! I had to block her from all the accounts he tried to contact me from.

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